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Spring Crafting Made Easy: Low-Prep Activity for Fine Motor Development

I love Spring and all the crafts and activities I can use with my students. Each year I pull out this old favorite and think of my mom. She was a daycare and preschool teacher and would make this simple forsythia craft with her kids every spring. It is low prep and requires very few materials. With this simple craft, you can facilitate a fingertip grasp, target fine motor skills, and proprioception.

forsythia low prep spring craft


  • blue construction paper
  • brown crayon (I love to use broken ones to facilitate a finger tip grasp)
  • yellow tissue paper
  • glue (I used Elmer’s school to work on proprioception, they learn to use the small muscles of the hand to only squeeze out a little.)

Step 1: Draw a “bush” on the blue construction paper with the brown crayon. For younger students you can pre-draw the bush, older students can copy a model.

Step 2: Rip the tissue paper into small pieces then crumple them into small balls.

Step 3: Glue the tissue paper balls onto the “bush”. Continue adding paper until all parts of the branches are covered.

forsythia low prep spring craft

Check out my store for all my spring resources. You will find activities and worksheets to work on sensory, social-emotional, visual perceptual, fine motor, and gross motor skills.

low prep spring writing fine motor handwriting social emotional learning gross motor writing prompts and follow the directions activities
Spring Bundle

About the Author

I am a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) and have been working in a public school system for more than 25 years. My resources can be found on TPTBOOM LearningMade by TeachersClassful, and Your Therapy Source. I appreciate your interest wherever you wish to shop.

My mission is to help you find creative ideas to incorporate fine motor, visual perceptiongross motor, and social-emotional learning into your lessons.

I hope you consider signing up for my Free Resource Library with your Email. I send out emails about once a week and share resources, tips, and planning ideas for your classroom or occupational therapy needs. Hopefully, these help your students work on building their skills in a fun and engaging way.

Free occupational therapy fine motor, handwriting, screening, visual perceptual gross motor and social emotional learning worksheets and activities

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