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Gingerbread Man Activities for Occuaptional Therapy or the Classroom

Occupational therapy gingerbread activities

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Do you need a Christmas alternative for your therapy sessions or classroom? How about all things Gingerbread? Grab your favorite version of the story, make scented play dough, and find a few resources to meet the academic or IEP needs of your students. Check out all my differentiated, worksheets & activities which incorporate math, literacy, writing, handwriting, fine motor, social-emotional learning, and visual perceptual skills. These gingerbread activities are great for writing centers, math stations, early finishers, occupational therapy sessions, emergency sub plans, and more. Available in a money-saving bundle or individually in my TpT store.

occupational therapy fine motor visual perception math writing social emotional learning activities and worksheets
Gingerbread Bundle

I love to incorporate sensory and craft ideas during my occupational therapy sessions. Here are a few ideas for you to use with your students.

I love using sticker scenes as a writing prompt. My students create the scenes on writing paper that has space for a picture and then write words, sentences, or stories about them.

About the Author

I am a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) and have been working in a public school system for more than 25 years. My resources can be found on TPTBOOM LearningMade by TeachersClassful, and Your Therapy Source. I appreciate your interest wherever you wish to shop.

My mission is to help you find creative ideas to incorporate fine motor, visual perceptiongross motor, and social-emotional learning into your lessons.

I hope you consider signing up for my Free Resource Library with your Email. I send out emails about once a week and share resources, tips, and planning ideas for your classroom or occupational therapy needs. Hopefully, these help your students work on building their skills in a fun and engaging way.

Free occupational therapy fine motor, handwriting, screening, visual perceptual and social emotional learning worksheets and activities

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