Elevate Learning with Fun and Effective Gross Motor Brain Breaks: A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers. Why should you incorporate movement into your classroom?
Why should you incorporate movement into your classroom?
Why should you incorporate movement into your classroom?
Do you struggle to find age-appropriate materials for students at a lower skill level? You are not alone.
I recently had a question from a follower that works with older students. She expressed having difficulty finding activities that work for a diverse caseload. Especially students in 5-8th grade.
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Are your students struggling with letter formation? Do they need a brain break to help them focus? This summer freebie includes a fun way to practice the skills your students need to work on. They can work on correct letter formation, baseline adherence, and spacing all while scooting around the room to get a motor break. Teach them how to match their work to the sample and edit for reversals or other errors. Check out this Summer themed freebie on TPT or those included in my Free Resource Library.
Each holiday season is a busy time for everyone, but it’s also a great time to work on building skills with your students. This free Roll a Bunny activity is an engaging way to help kids practice their visual perceptual and fine motor skills, all while having some Easter holiday fun! Great for early finishers, math centers, occupational therapy activities, and more
This Roll a Leprechaun is an engaging way to help kids practice their visual perceptual and fine motor skills, all while having some St. Patrick’s Day holiday fun!
Are your students struggling with emotions and having difficulty choosing coping strategies to regulate their bodies? Are they off-task, disruptive, distracted, or impulsive? Do you need ideas to help manage these behaviors? All Behaviors have a reason and students will do well when they can.
Are your students struggling in the classroom? Are they having difficulty drawing recognizable pictures in their writing journals? Do they need help with number identification?
Difficulty processing visual information and poor visual-motor coordination skills can lead to problems with reading, spelling, handwriting, drawing, math, and comprehension.
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