Elevate Learning with Fun and Effective Gross Motor Brain Breaks: A Comprehensive Guide for Teachers. Why should you incorporate movement into your classroom?
Why should you incorporate movement into your classroom?
Why should you incorporate movement into your classroom?
Are your students struggling with emotions and having difficulty choosing coping strategies to regulate their bodies? Are they off-task, disruptive, distracted, or impulsive? Do you need ideas to help manage these behaviors? All Behaviors have a reason and students will do well when they can.
No matter what part of the year you are in, Summer school, Back to School, or mid-year, most of us are looking for ways to enhance the social-emotional growth of our students. With all the challenges our students face we need ways to teach them about their emotions, that all emotions are ok and we sometimes need to find ways to manage them. Building their understanding of their triggers, and creating a personal inventory of coping skills can be beneficial throughout their life.
I love finding any game I can use to support my use of the Zones™ curriculum. I am always looking for games and activities that incorporate all 4 zones colors, blue, green, yellow, and red. For more information on the Zones of Regulation™ by LEAH KUYPERS, MA ED., OTR/L please use their website.
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